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后端开发,Vert.x, Web应用 PDF 下载
发布于:2024-04-24 10:26:34

后端开发,Vert.x, Web应用 PDF 下载  图1





Vert.x-Web is a set of building blocks for building web applications with Vert.x. Think
of it as a Swiss Army Knife for building modern, scalable, web apps.
Vert.x core provides a fairly low level set of functionality for handling HTTP, and for
some applications that will be sufficient.
Vert.x-Web builds on Vert.x core to provide a richer set of functionality for building
real web applications, more easily.
It’s the successor to Yoke in Vert.x 2.x, and takes inspiration from projects such as
Express in the Node.js world and Sinatra in the Ruby world.
Vert.x-Web is designed to be powerful, un-opionated and fully embeddable. You just
use the parts you want and nothing more. Vert.x-Web is not a container.
You can use Vert.x-Web to create classic server-side web applications, RESTful web
applications, 'real-time' (server push) web applications, or any other kind of web
application you can think of. Vert.x-Web doesn’t care. It’s up to you to chose the type
of app you prefer, not Vert.x-Web.