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Grokking-the-System-Design-Interview PDF 下载
发布于:2024-03-24 08:56:04

Grokking-the-System-Design-Interview PDF 下载 图1




Step 5: High-level design

Draw a block diagram with 5-6 boxes representing the core components of our

system. We should identify enough components that are needed to solve the actual

problem from end-to-end.

For Twitter, at a high-level, we will need multiple application servers to serve all the

read/write requests with load balancers in front of them for traffic distributions. If

we’re assuming that we will have a lot more read traffic (as compared to write), we

can decide to have separate servers for handling these scenarios. On the backend, we

need an efficient database that can store all the tweets and can support a huge

number of reads. We will also need a distributed file storage system for storing

photos and videos.