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匠艺整洁之道:程序员的职业修养 英文版 PDF 下载
发布于:2024-03-15 09:48:07

匠艺整洁之道:程序员的职业修养 英文版 PDF 下载 图1






Best Work

Promise 2. The code that I produce will always be my best work. I will not

knowingly allow code that is defective in either behavior or structure to


Kent Beck once said, “First make it work. Then make it


Getting the program to work is just the first—and easiest—

step. The second—and harder—step is to clean the code.

Unfortunately, too many programmers think they are done

once they get a program to work. Once it works, they move

on to the next program, and then the next, and the next.

In their wake, they leave behind a history of tangled,

unreadable, code that slows down the whole development

team. They do this because they think their value is in

speed. They know they are paid a lot, and so they feel that

they must deliver a lot of functionality in a short amount of


But software is hard and takes a lot of time, and so they feel

like they are going too slowly. They feel like they are failing,

which creates a pressure that causes them to try to go

faster. It causes them to rush. They rush to get the program

working, and then they declare themselves to be done—

because, in their minds, it’s already taken them too long.The constant tapping of the project manager’s foot doesn’t

help, but that’s not the real driver.

I teach lots of classes. In many of them, I give the

programmers small projects to code. My goal is to give them

a coding experience in which to try out new techniques and

new disciplines. I don’t care if they actually finish the

project. Indeed, all the code is going to be thrown away.

Yet still I see people rushing. Some stay past the end of the

class just hammering away at getting something utterly

meaningless to work.

So, although the boss’s pressure doesn’t help. The real

pressure comes from inside us. We consider speed of

development to be a matter of our own self-worth.