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Kubernetes Operators PDF 下载
发布于:2024-03-14 09:45:07

Kubernetes Operators PDF 下载 图1





Custom Resources

CRs, as extensions of the Kubernetes API, contain one or more fields, like a native

resource, but are not part of a default Kubernetes deployment. CRs hold structured

data, and the API server provides a mechanism for reading and setting their fields as

you would those in a native resource, by using kubectl or another API client. Users

define a CR on a running cluster by providing a CR definition. A CRD is akin to a

schema for a CR, defining the CR’s fields and the types of values those fields contain.

CR or CongMap?

Kubernetes provides a standard resource, the ConfigMap (, for

making configuration data available to applications. ConfigMaps seem to overlap

with the possible uses for CRs, but the two abstractions target different cases.

ConfigMaps are best at providing a configuration to a program running in a pod on

the cluster—think of an application’s config file, like httpd.conf or MySQL’s mysql.cnf.

Applications usually want to read such configuration from within their pod, as a file

or the value of an environment variable, rather than from the Kubernetes API.